St Michael's
C.E. Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5. 

The Year 5 team is Mrs Hopkins, Mr Fisher, Mrs Hurlbutt and Mrs Titley. Please see our latest year group newsletter here.

In Year 5 our aim is to develop the children’s independence and perseverance so they become confident learners and are ready for the challenges of Year 6. 

Throughout the year we will explore topics including ‘Anglo-Saxons’, ‘Vikings’, ‘Wild Waters, ‘Mayans’ and ‘France’. We will plan school trips and visits to the local community to enhance the children’s learning. 

Children will need to complete their home reading regularly as well as spellings and times table practise, with the support of their family. These should be a focus for your children throughout the year as they make up a significant proportion of our assessments at the end of each term. 

We are happy to answer any questions or concerns that you have. Please do not hesitate to call the office for us to call you back to discuss these over the phone. 

We have loads of fun in Year 5!