St Michael's
C.E. Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

Year 4 

Welcome to Year 4.

The Year 4 team consists of Mrs Joyce and Mr Roberts. Please see our latest year group newsletter here.

This year we will be continuing our journey through Key Stage 2 and developing ourselves as learners. We will build on the independence developed in Year 3 along with resilience as we challenge ourselves to be the best we can.

Our topics we explore in our Geography and History lessons include the Romans, Accident Greeks, Rainforest, Brail and Britain from the Air. Children will have the opportunity to share learning about these topics at home through a project set by their teacher, children will be able to complete these with their family sharing their knowledge of the topic at home. Trips and visitors will be essential to exposing children to a alternative learning opportunities. Children will have a Roman visit them in Autumn Term, this outstanding experience will cover subjects such as Art, PE and Geography. 

Year Four will be exposed to high quality lessons including Science observations and experiments. Science topics taught in Year Four are States of Matter, Electricity, Living Things and their Habitats, Animals including Humans and Sound. Previous learning and knowledge are a building block to ensure children readiness for learning into Year Four. Accessing the local area will be essential to children having a deeper understanding of key vocabulary and their definitions.  

Transition from Year Three is smooth and supported. Children will take part in PSHE lessons where their mental health and understanding of their role in the community is explored. Taking part in days such as Mental Health Day and LGBTQ+ celebration allows children to have further understanding of families within the community and the importance of respect to one another. British Values being an essential thread throughout. 

Families will be invited to Parent Workshops which involve children eating lunch with their families and then take part in a lesson. Year Four are extremely lucky to be leading the Harvest Celebration at church this year. Children will be responsible in informing the children of St Michaels about Harvest and its importance. During Spring Term children will then lead the Chinese New Year Assembly. 

Homework also consists of spellings, which are given out weekly, times tables ready for our weekly 99 club challenge and reading. Our expectation is that all children read to an adult at least 3 times a week, which should be recorded in their reading diary.

Please be reassured that you are welcome to contact us should you have any queries or concerns or even share exciting news and achievements of your child.

We have so much fun in Year 4!