Year 3
Welcome to Year 3!
Our Year 3 team consists of Miss Timerick, Miss Ducille and Mrs Kemp. Please see our latest year group newsletter here.
Life becomes a little different in Key Stage 2. It is a great chance for the children to become more independent as they learn new routines which is very exciting. As in Key stage 1, we expect them to work in different social groups and respect the opinions of others. We will also encourage the children to think about the way they like to learn and support them to produce their own ideas in a variety of ways. We will help them every step of the way to learn, be safe and have fun.
The topics we will cover this year are: The Stone Age, Iron Age, Bronze Age, Climates and Biomes, Egyptians, Reign over Us and A Journey to Europe. These topics will provide a platform for us to link children’s learning in History, Geography, Art, Design and Technology, Computing and Science when able.
Homework consists of spellings (which are given out at the start of every half term) and reading. Our expectation is that all children read to an adult at least 3 times a week, which should be recorded in their reading diary.
We are always available to talk through any issues or concerns you may have so please do not hesitate to come and speak to us. Equally, we love to hear exciting news about your child too!