Year 1
Welcome to Year 1.
The Year 1 team this year are Miss Fisher, Miss McIntosh, Miss Chatfield and Mrs Wiggin. Please see our latest year group newsletter here.
During the first few weeks of Autumn term, Year 1 children will be given the opportunity to continue their continuous provision from Reception, making their transition from Reception to Year 1 as smooth as possible. When a routine is established, children will be taught as a whole class.
We aim to provide a creative curriculum which provides children with a range of activities to enrich, enhance and encourage their learning. Throughout the year the children will learn about a variety of different topics during English, Maths, History, Geography, Art, Design Technology, Music, Religious Education, Physical Education, PSHE and Computing. At the moment, children are being asked to come into school on their PE days (1T: Monday and Thursday, 1M: Wednesday and Friday) in their PE kit. Children will need to wear their school shoes during the day and have their pumps in their PE bags to change into when it is time for PE. On these days, please ensure your child’s hair is tied up and they are not wearing any jewellery including earrings.
Throughout the year the children will be assigned a reading book on the Little Wandle website – you will have received the login in Reception. This will be the same reading book that children are reading in school three times a week in small groups. This is to ensure children can read the book fluently and accurately. Please ensure you hear your child read on a regular basis and that you fill in their reading diary each time, so we have a record of this. Children will also be able to take home a book from the reading corner each week to read for pleasure.
Each week, children will bring home a phonics homework sheet. This will match the sounds we have been focusing on that week. Children will not be tested on this. This is for extra practise at home to help them become confident and fluent readers. Further into the half term, when the children are settled in year 1, they will start to bring home spelling sheets. The children will be tested on these each week.
Finally, we hope all the children settle well into year 1 however, if you have any concerns or worries, speak to a member of our team and we will try and resolve the issue, no matter how big or small!