St Michael's
C.E. Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum has been designed to enable us to realise our vision for every child to have the ‘Courage to Flourish in the Love of God’, spiritually, emotionally and intellectually. 

The content, enriching opportunities, and pedagogy of our curriculum are designed to develop spiritual and intellectual wings that will enable our pupils to take off and soar into the next stages of their life and learning, having courage and confidence to be world changers. With God at the heart of everything we do, these will be delivered in the context of our Christian vision and values, and our three key learning behaviours – ready, respectful and responsible.

Spiritual development, equality, diversity, and justice are central themes in our curriculum so that every individual, fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God, can:

  • Flourish as the person God made them to be
  • Develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to be successful
  • Have the courage to overcome difficulties and setbacks
  • Live a life that courageously respects and cherishes diversity and difference
  • Live and learn well in community
  • Learn to be courageous advocates of justice and agents of change
  • Be inspired by the stories and traditions of faith and belief


Our curriculum intent underpins all we do at St Michael’s CE Primary School. Long term plans and yearly overviews are created with teachers and subject champions in order to ensure clear progression across the school. Collaboration and professional dialogue between subject champions ensures we deliver a curriculum that builds on prior learning, deepens knowledge and enhances skills that foster learning and achievement. The intent, implementation and impact is frequently reviewed, evaluated and enhanced. Half termly curriculum maps for each year group ensure clarity of coverage and a strong emphasis on progression of knowledge and skills; this informs the medium-term planning. We maintain our strong teaching of the core subjects, whilst making links to learning in the foundation subjects. In designing our own curriculum, we strive to ensure that all children are active, engaged, enthused and challenged in their learning and the implementation of the curriculum.


The desired impact of our curriculum at St Michael’s is that the needs of all our pupils are met. By ensuring that our learners are engaged in their learning, by making the curriculum suit their needs, through adapting work where appropriate, we aim to create a learning environment that grows learners’ confidence and where children become leaders in their own learning. Achievement and attainment are important, but it is the progress each young individual makes in their journey at St Michael’s that is of greatest importance. If we can provide opportunities for our pupils to enjoy and flourish, aspire to be the best they can, and have the courage and strength to aim for all they want to achieve, then we have achieved what we have set out to do as staff and governors at St Michael’s.

 If you have any further questions regarding our curriculum, please speak to a member of our Senior Leadership Team.