St Michael's
C.E. Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed


Our aim at St Michael’s is to develop independent writers who can use their skills learnt in English lessons across all areas of the curriculum.

Within Writing lessons we work on:

  • Composition- This is how the piece of writing is structured.
  • Grammar, Punctuation and Vocabulary.
  • Transcription – Spelling and Handwriting.

Through writing at St Michael’s we teach children to write for different purposes through different genres of writing. The children gradually build up these genres as they progress through school. The children can then apply these skills to write longer pieces in other areas of the curriculum. We link our writing to the text we are reading in our reading lessons.

We are beginning to incorporate Talk for Writing across school. This approach helps children to ‘move away from dependence towards independence, with the teacher using shared and guided teaching to develop the ability in children to write creatively and powerfully.’


Handwriting at St Michael’s is very important. We follow the Pen Pals scheme and this focuses on correct formation and then moves the children onto correct joins when they are ready.